Brand Identity l Packaging

In 2050, a nuclear bomb was released from an unknown location and destroyed over half of the civilization on Earth. Those who survived were left to rebuild and come together as one by separating into 6 groups. A representative from each group was chosen based on skill (Capital, Mining, Agriculture, Food, Textile production, and Technology). These leaders became known as the "Founding Six." They agreed to work together by each group focusing on their skill to trade amongst each other for the betterment of the community. It was at this point that they six came up with a name: Perthshire.

With this project, I wanted to think outside of the box, not just within SCAD but mainstream as well. The beers that are successful have amazing branding but they all stay in the same safe zone when it comes to the story. I wanted to create something that would draw people in and want to learn more about the story. I wanted to start a conversation and also be able to expand into something more.